Saturday, October 16, 2010

The scariest thing that ever happened to me...

One time, my best friend Brandy and I were at a hotel attending a party that we were
both invited to. My best friend was tired of walking around so when it was time to leave, we
decided to take the elevator instead of the stairs. It was close to 10:30 at night and we happened
to be the only ones in the elevator at that time, when it randomly stopped like three seconds after the
doors closed. The alarm for some reason did not go off and the elevator doors did not want to open
and the elevator waas not moving at all.
All of a sudden right when we were about to press buttonto open the door to see if it would open, the elevator started making weird noises and started to move down faster than it normally does or is normally supposed to. It stopped and my friend and i kept pressing the button to open the door and it did not
want to open. We got really scared because after all that was going on the alarm for the elevator
still did not go off. The elevator finally started to function again and as we got to the floor we were trying to get to the doors finally opened and my friend and i ran out. We went to go ask the people in the other elevator if anything unusuall had happened and they said no. Of course the people looked at us weird because we were bothe scared and freaked out. It didn't help that this happened the day before halloween.
Ever since then my friend and I have bee so terrified of elevators that no matter what we prefer to take
the stairs to get to where we need to.

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