Thursday, September 30, 2010

Stock Market Crash

Our current economic situation right now hasn't changed much from how it was before. For some reason we manage to stay in the same situation before and for some reason can't get out of it. Many people now struggle just like they did before because of the economic situation.
However, we, particularly my family, doesn't seem to be affected by the conomic situation for certain reasons. Not having a car, helps us to not worry about gas prices, well at least for now until we get a car again. My mom works just enough hours to be able to get in groceries and some extra stuff. So luckily we havent really been affected by our economic situation so it keeps us doing ok, at least for now.

Higher Education, free or paid by government

I think "Higher Education" such as college or universities, should be paid by the government like K-12 is. I think that it should be paid for by the government because it would make it easier for people who don't have the money or can't get a scholar ship to b able to go to college without having to worry about fundraising to get the money or working two to three jobs at a time to afford to get in.
I also think that if colleges or universities were paid by the government more people would actually consider going to college and continuing their education and might even want to go for their masters degree or something along that category. More people would go to college and not have to worry about the cost. Most people would stop saying "it's too much and i won't be able to afford it, so im not sure if im gonna do colleg or not" and would start saying "wow college is being paid for already, that makes it so much easier for me, now i can go to college without worrying about the cost." If the government were to pay for college there would be a great amount of peopl filled with hope to be able to go to college, and an even grater amount that will actually attend college now that it's affordable.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

The oil spill that happened earlier this year in the Gulf of Mexico was mostly BP's fault. They decided to use the cheaper equipment that they had instead of the right equipment they were supposed to use. BP is also making themselves responsible for the cleanup in the Gulf of Mexico.
I think that an oil spill like this should have never happened. The only reason it did happen was because of the carelessness the people working in BP had. This oil spill has effected the environment badly killing many sea creatures/ocean animals, and polluting the beaches that it has reached. Many people, because of this, have lost their jobs which has put many families in jeopardy. An oil spill like this has to be cleaned up with people who will take immediate action and do everything they possibly can to save the environment and clean up the pollution the oil has caused for the animals living in the water.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The most interesting person i have ever met IS.....(:

The most interesting person i have ever met is Mrs. Irma Mejilla. To me she is the most interesting and most amazing person i have ever met. Irma Mejilla is my catacism director. She is the one who helps organize all events and more in the church and not to mention she gets really involved with all the students there, giving them so much energy and happiness, you just wouldn't beleive the amazing impact she has on them, including myself.
Mrs. Mejilla has helped me and so many others in so many ways. She tends to give me faith that i didn't have before. The talks she has with us gives me strength to move on, or to give it another try, but most important it gives me the strength to not give up no matter what. She's the one that i know for a fact I can talk to about any of my major problems or even the little problems that I have. I am glad to have met Mrs. Irma Mejilla and i am glad that i still know her now. Honestly, and im not just saying this because thats what everyone else says, but honestly, if i had not met Mrs. Mejilla i don't know what would be of me right now, or where i would be. I am so grateful to have met Mrs. Mejilla and i say this with all the love in my heart. Mrs. Irma Mejilla is definately the most interesting person that i have ever met and am glad to have met.

Friday, September 3, 2010

All about me(: to Mrs. Aragon

My names is Esmeralda. I was born in El paso, Texas, at Las Palmas Medical center.
Ive lived in El paso my whole life and i have never moved out of El paso. I have traveled to
various places though like California, to go and visit some relatives over there, Orlando Florida, Miami, Auston, Dallas, Arizona, and many other places.
I have alot of hobbies i like to do. Some of my favorite hobbies are singing, dancing, playing volleyball and soccer, but my top favorite hobby out of all of these is singing. I love to sing! Singing makes me feel so much better. When im having a real rough time i just turn my radio on and sing what ever song is on, and when i do that i feel like im letting out all my stress and anything that i feel inside. My family is split in half, sadly. I have on borther and one sister. My brother lives with my dad and my sister and I live with my mom. Forntunately we all live in El paso. My friends get along well with my family. I have three best friends, Brandy, Alexis and Joe. I hang out with them as much as i can even though were going to different schools. We still keep in touch through text and phone calls talkin about how school and stuff is goin. Thats pretty much it for me. Oh, yess, and i don't have much expierience with technology or computer much but i got the hang of it.