Thursday, September 30, 2010

Higher Education, free or paid by government

I think "Higher Education" such as college or universities, should be paid by the government like K-12 is. I think that it should be paid for by the government because it would make it easier for people who don't have the money or can't get a scholar ship to b able to go to college without having to worry about fundraising to get the money or working two to three jobs at a time to afford to get in.
I also think that if colleges or universities were paid by the government more people would actually consider going to college and continuing their education and might even want to go for their masters degree or something along that category. More people would go to college and not have to worry about the cost. Most people would stop saying "it's too much and i won't be able to afford it, so im not sure if im gonna do colleg or not" and would start saying "wow college is being paid for already, that makes it so much easier for me, now i can go to college without worrying about the cost." If the government were to pay for college there would be a great amount of peopl filled with hope to be able to go to college, and an even grater amount that will actually attend college now that it's affordable.

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